I don’t think I should ever right down my goals for the public to see again. I’m not serious about that, I think some accountability is good, and now I need to reflect on the past six months and present everything I have accomplished (or rather didn’t accomplish). First...

2019 Goals
New Year resolutions generally have a stigma attached to them. People choose lofty goals, but ones that they aren’t willing to attain. Each year I hope to get incrementally better. This year is the first year that I will have written out goals for the year and I choose...

Monday Morning Musings – 12/31/2018
One of my goals for 2019 is to read more consistently. I include reading other blogs as part of this goal. To further define this goal I’ll apply the SMART principles I discussed a few days ago. My goal is to read 5 personal finance blog posts a day...

Goal Setting
I’ve been a federal employee for almost 10 years. In that time I’ve gotten used to seeing the latest buzzwords thrown around. One of my previous coworkers had this comic taped to his cubicle and it was one of my favorites (not sure of the source so I can’t...

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance (The 6 P’s)
Last week I listened to a podcast from ChooseFI with Cody Berman from FlytoFI.com. Cody presented some great concepts to reduce the cost of college. I wanted to focus on one more today that I didn’t hear mentioned. Planning your path. Before starting college there are some things a...