Feel free to check out Part I and Part II. Finally the day of the eclipse. We had shared the top of the butte with two other groups and as the sun started to rise more people started to meander up to the top. By the time the eclipse...
How a Solar Eclipse Changed My Life (Part II)
Probably best to start with Part I here. The Plan I’m sure I could write page after page of this trip, but I really wanted to just capture some of the highlights that when brought together gave me this life changing experience. Our drive from Crater Lake to Portland,...
How a Solar Eclipse Changed My Life (Part I)
A Little Background What kind of hippy thinks that seeing a solar eclipse is a life changing event? That is exactly what I thought last year. Lady Kit and I were making plans for our anniversary/solar eclipse adventure. I definitely thought it would be a really cool event to...
2018 Goals
Some Background This will be the first year I have been actively pursuing Financial Independence (FI). This makes setting goals for this year a bit challenging. I setup Personal Capital (and Mint) back in September so it only has data going back to June. However, Lady Kit and I...
My Best Investment Ever
In my first post, I showed our starting point and I hope this didn’t make people think we have had an incredibly easy trust-fund style life where we can breeze our way to FIRE. I had pulled out all the typical categories that would show up when tracking net...